My TIE Value: Commit your way to the Lord
I had the privilege to coach for two days (grades 7-9) at
our local Teens Conference that is organized by Ambassadors for Christ East. One of the hallmarks of this event (besides
lives changed by God) is that teens come up with cheers that represent a God
focused challenge to follow Him with our lives. My team was “Together.” We had
a cheer based on the High School Musical song “Together” about how believers
come together under Christ. My son was on “Sheep.” They had a cheer about Jesus
being their shepherd.

Matthew 21 came into my mind as I was thinking through some
possible lyrics to for a good Christian metal song. This is where Jesus entered
into Jerusalem on a donkey to crowds cheering “Hosanna” meaning “God save us!”
Jesus’ first order of business is to go to the temple where he cleansed the “Court
of the Gentiles” from the money changers and restored that place for prayer and
Jesus was intensely angry about the misuse, abuse, and corruption
that took over such a sacred space. The money changing was a pyramid scheme
that exchanged Roman currency for temple money that could be used for the
purchase of sacrifice. The scheme made the priests wealthy. What I see as even
worse is that this court was so cluttered with the tools of corruption that
there was no space for people to pray or be taught about God. In effect, God
was squeezed out of His temple! No wonder Jesus said, “You are making it a ‘den
for robbers’” (Matt. 21:13b).
Whenever I have talked to individuals about the chant
in my head, “Jesus is my anger!” The most common reply has been, “Yeah but
Jesus has righteous anger.” I know it is easy for us to sin in our anger by
being caught up in our own selfish space, but is there anger that brings about
God’s righteousness without sinning as we follow Jesus?
My TIE Moment
I believe the answer is “Yes” but with caution. In short we are not the instruments of God’s
condemnation or wrath, but we can be angry about the unrighteousness that is
first in our lives and churches before we can hope to lovingly introduce God’s
righteousness to our world. We must commit our ways even anger to the Lord.
What kind of sin must
anger us?
First, we must be angry about sins of deception disguised as
righteousness. The religious leaders in Jesus’ day made a big deal about tax
collectors that they labeled them as “Sinners” who were beyond God’s reach of
salvation. Tax collector gathered money by the governments and charged people
on top so they could get paid. What made these people hated was they
excessively collected money for their greed and not their need. That is why
John the Baptist told the tax collectors to show the fruits of repentance by
collecting only what they need (John 3:12-13). The temple priests ran a similar scheme only
they charged people a large mark up in sinful Roman currency to buy temple
money that would then be used to purchase sacrifices for their sins. They
disguised their inner greed with outer holiness. Which was the largest reason
Jesus chastised this group the most when they confronted Him about the sins of
the tax collectors.
We are like the priests when we choose a church for the…
- Career network instead of the best community to be equipped and serve God’s Kingdom.
- People we like to be with instead of including or reaching the people God loves.
- Comfort of our lifestyle instead being in the place where God will transform our lives.
- Having our friends’ back instead of helping them to be restored to holiness.
And second, we must be angry about sins of clutter that
pushes God out of our sacred spaces. The priests cluttered the “Court of the Gentiles” for the
purpose of being more effective in moving people on with their sacrifice. This
space was supposed to be purposed for the teaching of God’s Word to all people
regardless if they were able to offer a sacrifice. Jesus daily taught in the temple after He
cleansed it. What does this say about Jesus reclaiming space for the purpose of
teaching us through prayer and His word?
We are like the priests when we choose to be…
- Involved with numerous fun activities at the expense of gaining sound Biblical teaching.
- More interested in our own opinions rather than learning sound doctrine.
- Clutter in our churches with stuff and programs that there is no room for active prayer.
- Busy at church rather than PRESENT with God and His people at Church
Are we willing to clear the deception and clutter so that
God can cleanse our sacred spaces?
I love the strong admonishment that Paul gives us in
Colossians 3:1-5a as a way to prepare your room during this Easter Week:
then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where
Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not
on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in
God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him
in glory. Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature… (NIV)
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