I am excited to have Sophia as one of my guest bloggers. She loves life and God but most of all she loves to proclaim God in her life. Here is a recent proclamation that she recently made in our congregation that has inspired us.
Take it Easy in God's Blessings
of our cool young professionals brought up the word, “SWAG” during the casual
conversation time at a recent church retreat. This word got my attention. SWAG
sounded like a funny or odd word to me. So I asked, “What is SWAG Anyways?”
He briefly explained, “It means someone who has a lot of confidence. Like
an abbreviation for swagger.”
I have heard this term before with a different meaning, I decided to do my
Google research. In the urban
dictionary, SWAG means "something we Asians got", (which I thought
was funny since I am Asian). Another meaning that seems more common is that
SWAG means, Stuff We All Get in reference to the gift bags given at
conferences, or award shows.
I found an intelligent blogger who defines SWAG in the same way that my younger
millennial church goers understand the term as “a type of style or presence that exudes confidence and is sometimes
interpreted as arrogance.”
my thoughts turned back to the conversations from our church retreat. I began
to recall all the people that I know who have SWAG. They exude confidence
without even trying. They have SWAG no matter what they wear, say or behave. I
thought to myself, “I should try to reinvent myself with some SWAG.” Then I
asked my younger family members about how to get the kind of SWAG that would
increase my confidence and cool factor just like the Millennials. As I learned
about what it takes to get the cool up to date SWAG, I thought, “Wow, that’s a
lot of effort to feel accepted as cool.”
goodness being God’s child does not require that kind of effort. Unfortunately, we like to set rules and
definitions of how people should behave in order to receive acceptance. We allow
popular culture to define us by the worldly
SWAG This type of phenomenon does
not just happens in a secular society, it is also very common in the
Christian circle, we want to be accepted by church goers and so we try to live
according to their perceived rules. This merely Christianizes worldly SWAG into
a form of Christian SWAG.
remember not knowing how I should act when I first became a Christian and
started to attended church. The concept of Christianity was so foreign to me.
I thought in order to be considered a "good and practice
Christian" I should:
Go to
Church every week
before I eat
Christian jargons (ie. “Let go Let God”, “WWJD”, “We humbly bow” and
the bible at least once a day
out with Christians
the list goes on Sometimes I did all these things and at other times I did not.
I really wanted to be a good Christian. As I reflect on that time in my
life, what I really wanted was the Christian SWAG.
I began to read the book of Galatians, I saw how the Jewish Christians were
pressuring the new Gentile Christians to have their form Christian SWAG. Some
these older believers thought that the Old Testament ceremonial practices must
still be followed. They even believed that circumcision for new adult converts
was necessary in order to be a called a Christian. I can identify with how these
newly Gentiles Christians were a little confused about living a Christian life.
So in Christ Jesus you are
all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Chris
have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew or Gentile, neither
slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ
Jesus….So you are no longer a slave, but God's child; and since you are his
child, God has made you also an heir. (NIV)
(1) We
ALL get to be His Children.
(2) We
ALL get the to be Clothed in Christ’s character as we walk with Him in life.
(3) We ALL get to be important to Christ no matter our life’s status in the world
may be
(4) We ALL get to receive His inheritance of eternal life saved from judgment.
good news is that we are all able to receive God’s SWAG!
This is the SWAG I
want for my life. What about you?
Sophia Vi-Tsang
October 2014
October 2014